Sunday, May 22, 2011

Housekeeping items

Ok, so just in case anyone noticed, I took down my last blog post.  I thought it was pretty good as a written diatribe, summing up my frustrations nicely.  But, due to the fact that I am almost done with Brazzaville and searching for a job, I decided that my screed, as good as it felt, was probably for a limited time only.  That said, it felt good to vent some of my frustrations about the role I am expected to fill as an Eligible Family Member to a foreign service officer. 

In other news, I hope to be seeing everyone soon stateside.  I can't wait to spend some quality time with all my friends I haven't seen over the past couple years. 

Finally, the Beastie Boys have a new album.  I bought it last week from Amazon and, truthfully, it was mainly for nostalgia.  However, the damn thing hasn't left the CD player in my car since then.  I'm not suggesting it is Paul's Boutique, or even Check Your Head, but it will do in a pinch.

Ok, not much else to report here.  Still working on some stuff to post...will probably take far longer than it should.  But I promise that there will be something in the next few weeks.

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